Peel Mining
Exploration & Mining Glossary
Mining and Exploration glossary for words relevant to Peel Mining projects
Alteration - The mineralogical change within a rock brought on by hydrothermal fluids. Example: The mineral Orthoclase/Plagioclase alters to Sericite (which is a highly common alteration seen at most Peel Mining prospects).
Anomaly - An observed or measured deviation from normal geologic conditions, generally used to describe features that may suggest an ore deposit. Geochemical anomalies such as high arsenic content, or geophysical anomalies such as high magnetism, may signal the presence of mineralization.
Anticline - A structural deformity causing the rock layers to fold, creating an arch shape with the point of maximum curvature forming the hinge, which is convex-up. See Syncline for the reverse.
Assay - A chemical test performed on a sample of ores or minerals to determine the amount of valuable metals contained.
Base Metal - A general term applied to relatively inexpensive metals, such as copper, zinc, lead.
Basin - A geological basin is a large, low lying area and one of the most common inland places for sediments to collect. Over time the sediment becomes buried under more sediment, resulting in an increase of pressure, which leads to the formation of sedimentary rocks. Example: Cobar Basin (see Cobar Basin/Superbasin).
Breccia - The textural description, which refers to angular fragments (>2mm in size) within a clastic rock. Can be caused by tectonics, debris flows, lava flows, hydrothermal fluids (See Hydrothermal Breccia), volcanic related mechanisms etc.
Brownfields exploration - Areas where mineral deposits were previously discovered, near-mine project.
Carbonate - A salt of carbonic acid characterized by the presence of the carbonate ion, CO2−3.
Chalcopyrite - A copper iron sulphide mineral that crystallizes in the tetragonal system.